Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3 Genuineintel ~3696 Mhz Socket Type

Intel Cadre two Quad Q6600 specifications

The specs can be used for short-term
listings on sale and classifieds sites

Full general data
Type CPU / Microprocessor
Market place segment Desktop
Family Intel Core 2 Quad
Model number  ? Q6600
CPU part numbers
  • HH80562PH0568M is an OEM/tray microprocessor
  • BX80562Q6600 is a boxed microprocessor with fan and heatsink
Frequency  ? 2400 MHz
Charabanc speed  ?
Clock multiplier  ?
Socket Socket 775
Introduction engagement
Price at introduction
Due south-spec numbers
Architecture / Microarchitecture
Processor core  ?
Core steppings  ?
Manufacturing process
Data width 64 bit
The number of CPU cores 4
The number of threads
Floating Point Unit Integrated
Level one cache size  ?
Level 2 cache size  ?
Extensions and Technologies
Security Features
Low power features
Integrated peripherals / components
Integrated graphics
Electrical / Thermal parameters
V cadre  ?
Minimum/Maximum operating temperature  ?
Maximum power dissipation  ?
Thermal Pattern Ability  ?
Notes on Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600

Detailed side-past-side comparison

If you lot want to compare in detail the Intel Q6600 with any other processor from our CPU database please select desired processor using 1 of the post-obit methods:

  • Browse CPUs past:  

  • Find processor by its proper noun and/or partial specifications:

    You tin can specify any of the following: manufacturer proper noun, family name, model number, function number, cadre name, microarchitecture, manufacturing process, socket proper name, operating frequency, bus speed, the number of cores and threads, enshroud size, TDP and GPU type. Here are some examples of searches: Q6600, HH80562PH0568M, Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4GHz, Kentsfield Socket 775, Core 4 cores 4 threads, 0.065 micron 8 MB noGPU

Historical price nautical chart

The chart below shows official prices of Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 and Q6700 processors:


Q: I take an Intel Core ii Quad Q6600 microprocessor. Is it possible to upgrade it?

A: Probably yep. CPU compatibility is adamant by your motherboard. Please cheque resource for CPU support list for your lath.

Core two Quad Q6600 Overclocking

Lamentable, we do not accept overclocking data for this Intel Core 2 Quad microprocessor at this time.

Intel Q6600 Benchmarks and Functioning evaluation

For Q6600 charts, comparison multi- and single-threaded performance of this microprocessor with other Cadre two Quad processors and the fastest AMD and Intel x86 chips, please visit Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 multi-threaded and single-threaded performance pages.

For averaged operation in integer, floating-point, SIMD and memory-intensive applications please meet the next section.

Integer, Floating-Betoken, SIMD and Memory performance

The graphs below show up to x microprocessors with approximately the aforementioned level of operation in integer (CPU), floating-point (FPU), SIMD and memory benchmarks. All processors were not overclocked, and were tested at a nominal frequency, with a stock heatsink and default BIOS settings. Click on the '?' mark next to each model name to see specifications of that model, and details of the test platform.

Benchmarked processor:

S-spec number: SL9UM
CPU ID: 06F7h
CPU vendor cord: GenuineIntel
CPU name string: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU @ 2.40GHz

Integer performance

Floating Point operation

MMX / SSE / SSE2 functioning

Retentivity-intensive plan performance

CPU ID information for the Core 2 Quad Q6600

Detailed characteristics of processor'southward internals, including x86 instruction set extensions and individual instructions, high- and low-level technologies, are listed beneath. This list was acquired from an actual Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 processor with the aid of the x86 CPUID instruction. Any discrepancies betwixt CPUID features and official specifications are likely due to some features existence disabled in BIOS, or due to a bug in our CPUID decoding algorithm. Different steppings of Intel processors may likewise have slightly different features.

Our CPUID database contains 37 records for this microprocessor. Meet all submitted records.

Apply our CPU identification tool to check features of your processor.

Submission details
Manufacturer: Intel Measured frequency: 2405 MHz
CPU Family: Core 2 Quad Annotate:
Processor Number: Q6600
Part number (supplied): HH80562PH0568M Submitted past: xhoba
Part number (guessed):


Submitted on:
Southward-Spec Number: SLACR CWID version: 0.five

General data

Cache details

Supported instructions

Integrated features and technologies

CPUs, related to Intel Cadre two Quad Q6600

The list of related CPUs does non include all models. For the complete list, delight meet the related "Core" processors for socket 775 page.

 • Within each category, the CPUs are sorted from slower (at the top) to faster (at the bottom)

 • Background colour of specs and features betoken whether they are better or worse than similar spec/feature of the Core ii Quad Q6600

 • Click on the >  icon to compare whatever CPU in the table with the Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (Javascript required).

 • Features abbreviations:

VT - Virtualization
TXT - Trusted Execution applied science
ESS - Enhanced SpeedStep

Pictures ( 8 )


Posted past: Zdenek

Core 2 Quad Q6600

Posted by: gshv

Core 2 Quad Q6600
Intel Core ii Quad Q6600

Posted by: Ion Lucian

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
Lapped Q6600

Posted by: OC-K1NG

Lapped Q6600
CPU-Z for Q6600 Rev G0

Posted by: Keynes Deus

Q6600 Rev G0 on ASUS P5G41T-M 60 BIOS upgrade 1101. In idle.
Retentiveness DDR3 1066. Windows 8.1 pro (pt-BR). Keynes Deus from Brazil.
CPU-Z for Q6600 Rev G0

Posted by: crazybubba64


Pretty early one too. 40th week of 2006!


Posted by: XO

Comments ( 6 )

You lot're welcome to post suggestions, corrections, missing data, your own personal Intel Core two Quad Q6600 review, or your experience with the microprocessor. For all other questions delight proceed to the Cadre 2 Quad Q6600 discussion page.

Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3 Genuineintel ~3696 Mhz Socket Type


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